You'll find lots of useful information about your stay in fully accessible Travemünde here. From disabled-friendly telephone booths and disabled toilets to wheelchair hire with beach-swim wheelchairs.
Tourist Information Office
We look forward to seeing you at our Tourist Information Office at the Trave promenade. You'll find all the info you need here to make your stay in Travemünde unforgettable.
Disabled toilets
At Musikmuschel (at Brügmann Gardens)
DLRG Main Station (Kaiserallee 6)
Pavillon Stadtbäckerei (Travepromenade)
Pavillon Fisch Paul (Travepromenade)
Priwall: Waldweg 94 and 25a, Dünenweg 15
WC key
A WC key providing access to all disabled WCs throughout Germany can be purchased for € 18.- on presentation of a disability and identity card.
You can buy the key at the following locations:
Entsorgungsbetriebe Lübeck, Malmöstraße 22, 23560 Lübeck,
Tel.: +49 (0) 4 51/ 70 76 00
You are welcome to borrow a key for the duration of your stay from the Tourist Information Office Travemünde for a €30 deposit.
Disabled telephone booths
Bertlingstraße beside Stadtbäckerei Junge, opposite Strandbahnhof
Vorderreihe, Ostpreußen Quay
Sanitätshaus Ostsee Medizintechnik
Grall‘s Mobilitätshaus - Hire of electric vehicles
Sopamo GmbH
Beach-swim wheelchairs free of charge at:
Strandkorbvermietung Seipel
Help for the disabled
Verwaltungszentrum Mühlentor